Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Clown Ministry

I got this book "Clown Ministry by Floyd Shaffer and Penne Sewall" from my pastor and after reading it, I am so inspired about this ministry! I did clowning before but I didn't really understand about this ministry and after reading the introduction and the testimonies of clowning ministry by the authors, I come to understand and realized that clown ministry can do far beyond what I can imagine.

My clown character, SMILEY; I don't know how this name came about and I also don't know what was the reason my mentor gave that name to my clown character but I really like the name! SMILEY always remind me about 'the JOY of the Lord is my Strength - Nehemiah 8:10'; Happiness change according to circumstances but JOY of the Lord always remain no matter what is the circumstances, there is where the strength come from! I am so encouraged and this is my desire bring this JOY of the Lord that I experienced, experiencing and going to experience to people around me through my clown character, SMILEY.
 Pastor Nancy (middle), she is my mentor who inspired me to do clowning ministry. I am really thankful and blessed to discover this new talent from her! :)

Check this out, posts about my experiences in clowning from my older blog:-
Few points that I picked up from the book that really inspire me to do more in this ministry:-
  1. Clowns can "minister" while walking in a parade, visiting the sick, working in a circus, doing a birthday party or whatever opportunity is open.
  2. In clown ministry, the chief task is to be childlike, to give of oneself, elevate other persons to positions of worth and communicate clearly that they are loved.
  3. God has a sense of humor - so do clowns. God is not rational or logical in human terms - neither are clowns. God uses principles of comedy - so do clowns.
  4. We are called "fools for Christ's sake," to be weak so that others can be strong. What an honor and privilege that calling is!
God bless! Cheerio :)

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