Saturday, October 29, 2011


I always have *\ˈpa-shən\ in photography because I like to capture priceless and precious moments to create sweet memories!
*\ˈpa-shən\ = Passion

Today, a typical Saturday, where I need to get up early and prepare to go to work! In my opinion, Saturday can be quite unpredictable for radiology department in Sunway Medical Centre because it can be very busy at times and sometimes, it can be very quiet. Well, today, it was just in between.

After a few x-rays here and there, the radiology general x-ray team received a case from the accident and emergency department where this patient came with bruises on the left shoulder. He had an accident where he hit onto a fallen tree which was on the road with the bicycle that he was riding. Then, his wife came and started nagging at him and warned him not to go cycling anymore and he responded with a smile. After that in the x-ray room, he said, "my wife don't allow me to cycle anymore!"

After all the x-rays, we sent him to the CT scan room to do a CT brain. One of my colleagues asked him about the accident and about the cycling event and he was so excited and he said that he is not giving up on cycling although he had a few accidents before! Wow, he is indeed really passionate in what he likes to do!

Have you ever feel like want to give up in doing something that you like to do because of some tough obstacles? I did and not just once but many times! But I thank God, who never fails to get my feet back on the ground every time when I feel like giving up!

Don't give up ya! Obstacles are not here to bring us down but to make us stronger and wiser, so that we can be more passionate in doing something that we like to do!

Cheerio l^-^l God bless ya!

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